Devlog #3

Devlog #3

Continuing development on primary spawns and system fixes

Devlog #3

Haha, this one's kind of late.

This week, we've continued to work on the first-floor spawns and fixed some key systems that had pretty large bugs hiding in them.

State of the site, workflow, and programming updates

We have returned to continue working as slaves to Vextrust, though it's a bit of a slow start. I delayed this devlog because of the slowdown in work, but the upcoming week should see a significant increase in finished work to showcase.

I've been working on fixing bugs in pre-existing systems, so not much to show there. I also recently started putting my work into github, so a channel for that may pop up in the discord soon. If that new channel does come into existence, it will showcase some specifics about what new scripts are being created and edited.

Onto the part you guys care about!

(SD Spawn) image.png

(SD Spawn) image.png

(Central Staircase) image.png

(Lobby Area) image.png


No one asked any interesting questions this week.

Final Note

Again, a short devlog. SCP-914 and SCP-049 are on the way, as soon as I can squash these bugs.